Research & Direction

Our goal is not only to discover innovative medicine but also to improve the drug developing processes and technologies, shortening the time of launching a new medicine as much as possible.

Research & Direction

Our goal is not only to discover innovative medicine but also to improve the drug developing processes and technologies, shortening the time of launching a new medicine as much as possible.

M edicine research and development are time-consuming and painstaking works. Our goal is not only to discover innovative medicine but also to improve the drug developing processes and technologies, shortening the time of launching a new medicine as much as possible. By improving the drug developing processes and technologies, we can make the drug development process much safer and the new drugs benefit patients much sooner.  The Huge Vast is committed to discovering, developing, and delivering revolutionary medicines in oncology and immunology, where we believe we have an opportunity to make a meaningful difference for patients, as well as to explore, improve, and invent cutting-edge pharmaceutical technologies drug developing processes using computer science.

Our main focus areas of medicine research and development are oncology and immunology. Our hope is to discover new drug therapies to treat core diseases of these areas.

Research Partners

University of Southern California
Los Angeles, United States

Guangzhou University
Chinese Medicine

Guangzhou, China

Therapeutic areas


Oncology is a study of tumors and cancer, which includes treatment, diagnosis, and prevention of diseases related to various of tumors and cancer. Our mission is to understand mechanisms of the development of tumors and cancer in human bodies, and to discover and explore new pharmacological approaches to treat, prevent, and diagnose relevant diseases with the ultimate goal of improving the life quality of patients.


Immunology is a study of the structures and functions of immune system and how it responds to antigenic challenge to maintain the balance one’s internal environment (such as skin, respiratory passages, intestinal trat) and external invasion (such as viruses, cancer cells, toxins and microbes including bacteria, fungi, parasites). Immune system is one of the most important systems in human body. Our mission is to explore and discover therapeutic innovation to protect and improve the function of immune system. Our goal is to find solutions of balancing the treatment of diseases related to immune system and the life quality of patients.

Drug platforms

Antibody-drug conjugates

Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are complex molecules which are designed to target and, unlike chemotherapy, kill tumor cells without hurting healthy cells. They act as tumor antigens that can only be found on the surface of cancerous cells. ADCs are composed of an monoclonal  antibody linked to a biologically active cytotoxic(anticancer) drug. Once ADCs are attached to the tumor cells, the cytotoxin kills the cancer cells. ADCs are currently used for various of cancer treatments such as breast cancer, bladder cancer, and cancers of the urinary tract. We focus on expending the target cells of ADCs and improving the current ADCs molecules to enhance the therapeutic performance.

Cell therapy

Cell therapy is to exert therapeutical effects on patients through the injection and transplant of healthy or modified living cells. We focus on T-cell therapies including Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapies and  T-cell receptor(TCR) therapy for treatment of cancer. T-cell therapy is to inject engineered T cells which can target specific cells like tumor cells and utilize different mechanisms to kill the target cells. Cell therapy is currently used for treatment of various hematological cancer such as leukemia and myeloma. We focus on exploring TCR therapy and developing more mature T cells to solve current problems in cell therapy.

Drug delivery technology

Drug delivery technologies are designed to improve therapeutic performance through narrowing the target site, eliminating off-target accumulation, and enhance medicinal effects. We spend endless efforts on developing new drug delivery technologies and improving current ones. Our goal is to develop better drug delivery technologies to promote drug delivery performance and to enhance the activity and pharmacokinetics.

We currently focus on improving drug delivery systems including nanoparticles, encapsulation, muti-particulate system, antibody-drug conjugate. We focus on how to integrate nanoparticles into the current drug delivery systems and to improve the therapeutic performance. Our goal is to make the designed molecules better transport to the target area, to control when the designed molecules are released, and to reduce possible affects on off-target areas.

Protein homeostasis

Protein homeostasis refers to an extensive network composed of molecules such as catalysts and co-factors that regulate and balance various of proteins in human body. The disruption of protein homoeostasis affects an array of diseases, including metabolic, neurodegeneration, cardiovascular disorders, and some types of cancer. We mainly focus on exploring and expending the study of acetylation and deacetylation to better understand mechanisms related to these areas and to develop new medicine to advance current treatments of diseases.

Our current research in protein homeostasis is to develop a high selection and excellent activity SIRT3 inhibitor for future therapy of head and neck cancer treatment using computer technologies (including Topomer CoMFA, Virtual Screening, Surflex-Dock, and CADD).

AI and Healthcare

At THV, we recognize the immense potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize the healthcare industry. That is why we are committed to investing in and developing cutting-edge AI technologies that can improve patient outcomes and transform the way we diagnose and treat diseases.

In the field of drug discovery, AI is already making significant contributions. By leveraging large amounts of data, machine learning algorithms are able to identify new targets for drug development and predict which compounds are most likely to be effective. This can save time and resources, as well as accelerate the development of new treatments.

In the clinic, AI has the potential to improve patient care in numerous ways. For example, AI algorithms can be trained to analyze medical images, such as X-rays and MRI scans, to identify conditions such as cancer and heart disease at an early stage. AI can also be used to analyze electronic health records and other patient data to identify risk factors and predict the likelihood of future health problems.

At THV, we are working on a number of exciting AI projects aimed at improving patient care. For example, we are developing AI algorithms that can assist healthcare professionals in diagnosing and treating diseases, as well as predicting patient outcomes. We are also exploring the use of AI in personalized medicine, with the goal of developing treatments that are tailored to the unique needs of individual patients.

Our commitment to AI and healthcare research and development is unwavering. We believe that by leveraging the power of AI, we can improve patient outcomes, advance the field of medicine, and ultimately, change lives for the better.